Transformers - The Last Knight Poster
The fifth installment of the Transformers film franchise has graced our screens with the 2017 film Transformers: The Last Knight. With Autobots and Decepticons at war and the human race teetering on the sideline, the fate of the world lies in the secrets of the past and the transformers unknown history on earth. This wicked poster sees Optimus Prime standing on the edge of a rocky coastline and is a must have for any fan of this series of sci-fi movies.
Official Licensed Transformers Movie Poster - Produced in the UK. Printed onto 150gsm paper, the posters are produced using the highest resolution images and quality printing.
Poster Size
This is a maxi poster measuring 610 x 915 mm
After your order and payment are received, the posters are shipped within 1 to 2 working days. Courier delivery - within 2 to 3 working days of shipping in major centers and within 5 working days of shipping to outlying areas.